Ultrasonic vs. Power-Assisted Liposuction

When it comes to cosmetic surgery, there are some procedures that are totally unfamiliar. You may hear the word “blepharoplasty” and never assume it refers to removing excess skin on the upper eyelid (that contributes to the “hooded” look). Liposuction, though, is almost always recognized. But what about techniques like UAL and PAL?

Liposuction is the process of suctioning excess fat tissue through a thin metal tube known as a cannula. Incisions are minimal and virtually invisible after the healing period. UAL and PAL are two different methods of fat removal. PAL refers to Power-Assisted Liposuction, while UAL refers to Ultrasonic-Assisted Liposuction.

What is PAL Liposuction?

With Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL), the “power” lies in the cannula. The cannula utilizes rapid vibrations to break up fat cells before suction. This allows for a smooth contour and removes fat at a faster rate. This method is ideal for patients with large amounts of fat because it is more effective for complete removal.

What is UAL Liposuction?

Ultrasonic-Assisted Liposuction (UAL) uses ultrasound energy instead of vibration to emulsify, or melt, fat cells. This method specifically targets fat cells. The ultrasound energy liquifies all the fat cells evenly and allows for comprehensive and smooth fat reduction.

At Capizzi MD, we use the top-of-the-line Ultrasonic-Assisted Liposuction known as VASER. VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. This sounds very fancy and technical – it refers to the ultrasound waves! VASER liposuction stimulates more skin-tightening and addresses concerns with cellulite and sagging skin.

Another advantage of UAL is the ability to transfer this fat to the buttocks or breasts. Emulsifying the fat cells before suction results in over 90% of the removed fat cells remaining healthy for fat transfer procedures. Popular fat transfer procedures at our office are a breast augmentation without implants or Brazilian Butt Lift.

Is it possible to do both types of liposuction?

Yes! Both PAL and UAL techniques used together achieve smoother curves, tighter skin, and significant fat removal. Dr. Capizzi usually uses both types of liposuction in his patients to achieve the perfect contour, reduce bruising, and create more impactful results.

Interested in which liposuction technique would most benefit you? Schedule a consultation! Our surgical team is happy to chat about options and help guide you in the right direction. Give our office a call at 704-655-8988 to schedule.


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